Tyler Maun

Broadcaster | Writer

Tyler Maun is a play-by-play broadcaster, sportswriter, and radio host based in Denver, Colorado. This site brings together clips of his radio and television work along with writing samples while showcasing his extensive resume.



So, I like hats.

And logos. And uniforms. If you’ve ever followed me on social media, you probably know that. I post pictures of my hats or hats I like or hats I want or other people’s hats. I love the stories and design elements behind logos (despite having no artistic talent myself). I critique the minutiae of uniforms and am an avid Uni Watch reader and lover. You know. All the stuff the cool kids do! I figured it might be entertaining to give some of the stories behind my hats. I’m not sure how often I’ll update this or when (or if) I’ll get to writing them all up, but check back here. We’ll have some fun with it.

Denver Zephyrs

Triple-A (American Association)